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In this blog post, we'll be looking at the consequences of downloading a movie from Pirate Bay and how you can avoid downloading a virus. We'll also look at how to find a legal way of viewing your favorite movies, without having to pay for it illegally. If you're reading this article, then chances are that you've been tempted into downloading a movie from pirate bay, but now regrets it because it has resulted into an expensive fine. In the 21st century, not only is it crucial for us to have access to movies as they are released across multiple platforms so as they can be consumed in whichever form we want but also so as copyright infringement doesn't occur on such an enormous scale. In this blog post, we'll be looking at why copyright infringement is important and how it effects our economy, but also at the consequences of downloading a movie from pirate bay, and how you can avoid downloading a virus. Concept of copyright – According to Wikipedia – Copyright subsists in original works fixed in any tangible medium of expression, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. It is held by the owner of the work. Unlike other forms of intellectual property such as patents and trademarks, copyrights do not expire. In most countries it is not longer than 70 years after the creator's death (some have their own time limits). Copyright is an area of law that has evolved over centuries, but still remains controversial. Copyright infringement – Wikipedia explains Copyright infringement is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission, infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works. The copyright holder is typically the work's creator, or a publisher or other business to whom copyright has been assigned. Copyright holders routinely invoke legal and technological measures to prevent and penalize copyright infringement. Most jurisdictions allow enforcement of copyright holders' rights by their own rewards and penalties (civil law) or by government authorities (criminal law). Piracy – Wikipedia further explains the concept of piracy as being the illegal copying, distribution and selling of works. The term "piracy" has been used to refer to the unauthorized copying, sale and distribution of various types of creative works. The term has its origins in seventeenth century maritime law where it referred to any unlawful acts committed at sea, but more recently it is associated with copyright infringement. The particular term "piracy" is sometimes misused by politicians who are either unaware or uncaring about its actual meaning (or both). Digital Piracy – This form of pirating is different because all you need to do is copy the information/media itself rather than copying physical material like paper or plastic media. As a result of this process, while people who pirate films/music/apps/games buy them for cheap prices, they usually offer the service at a higher price. This is unlike physical media where if you copy it illegally, you risk getting a fine and having your hands cut off. Why do people pirate films, music or apps? – From an economic perspective why do people pirate films or music? Why do they prefer to download movies over paying for it? The following are the main reasons why people pirate films / etc: It is easier to download illegal files; It is cheaper; It fits their own entertainment needs; They may be motivated by their social group. cfa1e77820